I was so lovingly tagged by
Here's the "rules" of this meme: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
My seven random facts...
1. I live in the Middle East. That feels fairly random for a start, despite the fact that most of you know that already.
2. I have, on more than one occasion been the only blonde person in an airplane. This of course is a side affect of random fact number 1.
3. I like to cook... In fact, the more I cook, and the more things I learn how to make (over here especially), the more I like to cook. In our house we have cooked food from America, Italy, Greece, Brazil, Arabic food, Kurdish food, Korea, China, and other concoctions of no place in particular.
4. I once arrived in Istanbul with a total of $13.04. The visa cost $20.00. Yes I realize that was stupid. But at the same time there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for it which I will not bore you with at the moment.
5. I do not like rap and have spent considerable time trying to convince my 6th graders that gangsters should not be their roll models.
6. Dogs regularly pee when they greet me. I have been told that it has to do something with submissive behavior. I have no idea why I am such a scary person.
7. I like toe rings.
I now tag...
Laurel at
Why Think in SecretThainamuNathan at a
Jolly CompanyKatie (Ibid)LydiaJessaPauli