Monday, September 26, 2011

What? No Coffee?

It's been a crazy week. A really awesome good week. But zor full. So, some mornings basic things didn't get done... like I forgot to plug in the coffee pot. Oh sad. No coffee.

But I had some tea, so it was ok. =)
Today I am thankful for my good week. =)

415. Singing hymns
416. Katie chats
417. Sister chats
418. Cold water
419. Whole wheat bread
420. Peanut Butter on pancakes
421. Isaiah--so beautiful
422. My Redeemer who redeems the moments that I lose and the problems I've
423. Getting off a newsletter
424. Spontaneous divine appointments
425. Taking care of little ones at church
426. Early bedtimes
427. Finishing today's grading
428. Colored pens
429. Writing on the tiled walls
430. Pain that reminds me to pray


Danelle said...

Peanut butter on pancakes and early bedtimes. Amen.
Prayed for you as a christian in a muslim area of the world. May you be a bright light. . whether you have tea or coffee. :)

Anonymous said...

Hehe, I'm loving the rubber chicken. :) Hehehe. See? I'm still laughing!



Lisa said...

Agreed! The rubber chix. is AWESOME! :)