Monday, June 05, 2006

From June 2nd

Yesterday, deplaning into Nashville, Tennessee, I entered the world of sweet tea and spray butter (actually anything butter). These things do exist in my hometown but here they reign supreme. I certainly will have to watch what I eat here. I have only had three meals here but I already feel like my innards are congealing. Don’t get me wrong, the food has been great, I just can’t keep up with it. I was pleased to find last night that my generous hostess had forgotten to butter the broccoli before she had set it on the table. I had seen peas buttered for dinner once, but broccoli is taking it too far.

Another fascinating experience was that the youngest boy in the family, who is affectionately called “Boo” by his older siblings, asked me, “Do ya have video games in yer country?” Obviously understanding the importance of video games I was more surprised by the political implications of his question. I don’t watch the news very often but I think I would have known if Idaho had suddenly decided to secede from the Union. Boo’s question had some merit I suppose as it had been precipitated by a string of questions from his family through out the last two days about various stores that we do NOT have in the Northwest. I think as a six year old it must seem to him like only people in foreign countries don’t have Kroger, White Castle, and nearly a dozen other staples of the Nashville community.

Another adventure was linked to Boo’s most recent accomplishment: learning to read. This of course allowed him to begin reading what I was typing over my shoulder. Thus I began typing just for him and typed all sorts of silliness about him and then he really wanted me to send it to my parents. I don’t think they would really care but in summary Boo has two ears, two feet, blonde hair, blue eyes, and he really likes to read, but more than that he likes to pretend his is a black ninja.

That pretty much takes care of it.