Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Nuart

I have been trying to find one example that would symbolize and signify what the Nuart has been to me. The idea of squashing all that has happened here into a few words or sentences feels like absolute carnage. God has done so much for me here that no one instance could encapsulate the entirety of all that God has gone and done. Needless to say, the Nuart has been like a second home to me, a place of community, ministry, and hilarity. The other volunteers have been and have become some of my dearest friends.

I have loved pouring into the other women here and helping them grow and learn.
I have loved the effect of the books on people who come in for coffee and randomly pick one up.
I have loved giving away books, especially when you find one that the person really needs.
I have loved talking to the drunks with groups of friends late in the evening.
I have loved talking with hurting women over Instant Messenger through the blessing of the Nuart’s wireless internet.
I have loved seeing myself used to bring love and compassion to women who have come to their rope’s end. God likes to hang out at the end of ropes.
I have loved random prayer meetings with Jim Wilson, seeing various Bible Studies, and viewing people visibly gasp at the low prices for the coffee.
I have loved training several members of the staff and trying to instill in them my enthusiasm for reaching people’s hearts through friendship and conversation.
I have loved.
I have been loved.
I have so many memories of hysterical laughter, meeting friends from all walks of life, seeing people ask questions, and exploring all God has done in my life.
I am so sad to be leaving it.