Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Is not Jesus enough?

A friend recently reminded me of Lilias Trotter, missionary to Algeria and watercolor artist. I had a book of hers that I had mostly ignored since I first received it in college. I’ve been going through it and finding it incredibly rich — including this passage and the accompanying attached painting. 

“The thought of Christ’s intercession has taken on a new preciousness these last days.  I was reading how God had given a wonderful gift of prayer to two friends.  They would fight through together till His answer came over in showers.  And the thought came – oh that we had someone among us here able to pray like that.  Then with the vividness of an audible voice almost, the thought came:  ‘Is not Jesus enough?’  Since then the sense of praying with Him alongside has been so beautiful.”     
23 March 1904

There is so much delight as I pray for you, knowing that I have Jesus alongside me interceding for us!

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