Sunday, March 11, 2012

For Such a Time As This...

The books on my shelf speak to me: You have been prepared.

A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanuaken--The story of a man whose wife dies and he counts it mercy.
A Chance to Die by Elizabeth Elliot--The biography of Amy Carmichael and her willingness to die to self.
A Path Through Suffering also by Elizabeth Elliot
A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis

A few other biographies, some Agatha Christie mysteries, and Augustine's Confessions are there too. Some school books peer back at me with mocking as I avoid processing my grades. But those few titles stood out to me. These have been some of my favorite books and they are ready to walk with me again. Why did I love them before? Has God been preparing me for this? 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

When I was feeding Zephie in your room, I noticed "A Path Through Suffering" and wanted to ask you about it. I haven't read any of Elizabeth Elliot's books about her account of what happened to Jim; even through we named Zander "Elliot Alexander Bishop" after Jim Elliot. So I would love to read it, too.
I'm thankful He has prepared you, that He works that way.
love you- see you soon?!?!?